Thursday, January 23, 2025

Blog Post #2


  • What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?-
  • To start off, I do not know alot about the supreme court I did learn a little bit of new information from the video. Some interesting information that I learned throughout the video is that congress never had the power to ban slavery out of all states, this decision weakened the court's authority for years. 
  • What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?
  • In my opinion I think that the most important take-away from the video is that they have the highest power while also being able to help others who are looking for justice. The Supreme Court also serves as a role in upholding or declining laws that can directly influence how laws are put into effect, it makes it central to the democracy and justice in the United States. 
  • What was the most surprising thing you learned?
  • The most surprising piece of information throughout the video that I learned is that Taft was the only president that also served as a supreme court justice. I thought this was pretty surprising since he already has a background and prior work that is related to the supreme court is interesting. another surprising piece of information that I learned throughout the video and through some research was why they have eight justices in the video. throughout research and the video I learned that the congress sets up the number of how many justices there can be which is only nine with one chief justice. The number of justices has changed over time from even having five justices to a high of ten justices. This surprised me since they have changed the number of justices simply because of politics and political beliefs of what is right.  
  • How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?
  • Throughout the video a lot of the information that was said I had prior knowledge about, one thing throughout the video that did change the way I thought of the supreme court is that if a supreme court justice denys a case that has alot of public eyes on it. This might change their opinion on what they think is wrong or right, I think if something like that did happen it would definitely change my opinion on the way that I think about the supreme court and their justice's.

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